Darkfield Microscopy

Please note, that we do not use Darkfield examination in our clinic, this is just an informational article.

(Blood examination according to Prof. Dr. G. Enderlein) Darkfield Microscopy is an important holistic diagnostic instrument used in my practice.
It gives information about the terrain, e.g. hyperacidity, lack of energy and dynamics and the functionality of blood cells.
Prof. Dr. G. Enderlein (1872-1968) observed in darkfield microscopic examination of blood the tiniest moving beings , which seem to be primitive forms of either bacteria or fungi.
These so-called Endobiont change the hydrogen-ion con centration (pH) of the blood. Also Intoxication such as with heavy metal (e.g. mercury) can be made visible.
Further diagnoses of intoxication can be made through special laboratory examination of urine.

Darkfield microscopy and other diagnostic methods, all available in my practice, lead to a holistic diagnosis but diagnosis alone cannot heal.
Although I use several different therapeutic approaches some of them are based on Isotherapy as discovered and documented by Dr. G. Enderlein.

Remedies corresponding to this approach are manufactured and marketed by the firm SANUM®.
Isotherapy has as its‘ basis that certain organisms (e.g. bacteria) in the blood can be developed in retrograde i.e. that they can be changed back into non pathogenic primitive forms.

Other therapeutic approaches used in my practice and emanating from the darfkield microscopic examination include immune-biological treatments and antitoxin remedies whereby even chronic diseases may be healed.

Blood under darkfield. Microscopic examination which is moderately to strongly infested
(source: Blood examination in darkfield, Semmelweis Verlag 1993 ISBN 3-925524-01-0)

The examination is easy and painless.

For the examination we need only a drop of blood from the fingertip or the ear. Observation of the blood sample in the darkfield microscope gives information within 15 min. after hours or even days we find further information regarding the condition of the immune system, cellular resistance and the disposition towards the growing or regeneration of possible tumors.
Cancer, for example, cannot be seen but the weakness of the immune system or the degeneration of the blood cells can be made visible which is invaluable in early treatment.

Every patient deserves careful diagnosis and individual treatment. The above information is only meant to show the diagnostic possibilities available through the use of Darkfield Microscopy and not to be exclusive of other approaches used in my practice.
